Philips MoistureProtect HP8280

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De gemiddelde beoordeling is gebaseerd op 16 goedgekeurde reviews die zijn achtergelaten voor de Philips MoistureProtect HP8280 op Deze beoordeling wordt berekend door de som van de reviewscores te delen door het aantal reviews.

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Aantal warmtestanden
Aantal blaasstanden


Introductie model
Op Kieskeurig sinds
August 2015
September 2017
2300 watt

Toelichting specificaties

MoistureProtect technology
Uses infrared technology to diagnose your hair and adapts the temperature to preserve its natural hydration.
MoistureProtect Sensor
This hairdryer has innovative Infrared MoistureProtect technology that continuously monitors and adapts the temperature to match your hair's drying needs. The intelligent sensor measures your hair's surface temperature 4000 times in one drying session, and adjusts the heat to prevent moisture loss and cuticle damage. With ultimate moisture retention, your hair gets our best shine and softness. You can switch the sensor on/off based on your needs.
Ionic conditioning
Ionic hairdryers emit charged negative ions that help your hair dry faster, eliminate static, condition the hair and smooth down the hair cuticles to intensify the hair's shine and glossiness. The result is hair that is smooth, shiny and frizz-free.
Six speed and heat settings
Easily set and control the heat and speed settings to create the perfect style. Choose from three heat and two speed settings for full control and precise drying and styling.
ThermoProtect temperature
The ThermoProtect temperature provides the optimal drying temperature and gives additional protection from overheating the hair. With the same powerful airflow, you can get the best results while caring for your hair.
Cool Shot
The Cool Shot button provides an intense burst of cool air. It is used after styling to finish and set the style.
iF Design Award 2016
iF Design Award 2016